NYCM Training: Week 5


Hi, all! So, another week of New York City Marathon training is in the books, and I am very, VERY happy to report that week 5 was DEFINITELY an improvement over last week. Which is a good thing, because there's no WAY I would have survived 10+ more weeks of the monstrosity that was week 4. I told … [Read more...]

NYCM Training: Week 4…and What I’m Doing Wrong


As promised, I'm back with my "weekly workouts" post! Here's what week 4 of training for the New York City Marathon looked like...followed by my attempts at trying to figure out why my runs have been so suck-tastic lately. Mon., July 21: Taekwondo class Tue., July 22: 3 miles and Thai … [Read more...]

Race Recap: Downtown Westfield Pizza 5K (2014)


Hey, guys! I'll share my workouts from last week in the next day or two, but first, I wanted to post my slightly-belated recap from last Wednesday's Downtown Westfield Pizza 5k! Much like the Firecracker 4-Miler on July 4th, I run this race every year...and, back in 2011, it was my very first … [Read more...]

New York City Marathon Training: Weeks 2 and 3


Hope you guys had a fabulous weekend! I posted my 4th of July race recap 10 days late, so why not go ahead and recap weeks 2 and 3 of my New York City Marathon training all at once? ...better late than never, right? ;) WEEK 2 Mon., July 7: Taekwondo and Thai kickboxing class Tue: July … [Read more...]

Race Recap: Cranford Jaycees Firecracker 4-Miler 2014


Who writes about a 4th of July race 10 days after the fact...? This person. :) Sorry for the delay, guys! I had a very successful second week of training for the New York City Marathon, which I will share with you all tomorrow or Wednesday. In the meantime, I would feel remiss if I didn't … [Read more...]

Weekly Workouts and Training for Marathon #3


Hey, guys! Hope you had a fabulous 4th of July weekend! So, this past week it became official. I am now in training for marathon #3: the FREAKIN' NEW YORK CITY MARATHON! :) I am proud to report that I successfully tackled all of the runs on my training plan, including the longest training run … [Read more...]

Exciting Firsts: Trail Running and Our Anniversary!


Hi all! Hope you had a fabulous weekend! I know I did -- it was our first anniversary. And we celebrated with my most favorite summer activity. No, not running. Beach day! :) (...DEFINITELY not running. It's already too flippin' hot for me, and I hate it!) I can't believe it's been a year … [Read more...]

A Fresh Start


So, I pretty much suck. I know it's been forever since I posted, and I've been completely neglecting everyone else's blogs -- I've been following along with you guys, just not commenting much, promise! But, I hope you all will forgive me because the good news is that I am FINALLY and COMPLETELY … [Read more...]

Race Recap: Superhero Half Marathon 2014

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I'm finally here with a recap of the Superhero Half Marathon! And here's a bit of shameless self-promotion: the article I wrote about the race for the local newspaper, you know, in case you wanted some more information about the event or something like that. :) First, a little background. I ran … [Read more...]

Where I’ve Been…and GOOD NEWS!

A little preview... :)

Hey, guys! I know I've committed a ginormous BLOGGER FAIL and fell off the face of the Earth for over a week! I'll be back this week with regular posts (including a recap of the Superhero Half Marathon we ran yesterday!) and I know I have a lot of blog reading to catch up on. I've really been … [Read more...]