Race Recap: Walt Disney World Half Marathon 2016


Hey all! So I'm here with my recap of the Walt Disney World Half Marathon. Also known as the "Donald Duck" half marathon. :) We stayed at Port Orleans Riverside this time around, and while it was a beautiful resort, unfortunately its location in relation to Epcot didn't do us any favors on race … [Read more...]

Race Recap: New York City Marathon


Hey, guys! At long last…here’s my recap of the New York City Marathon. Better late than never, right?! (Also, I apologize in advance for the length of this post...you know how I am). :) We woke up around 3am (ugh) on Sunday morning to start getting ready. I was going to drive to my parents’ … [Read more...]



Hey, guys! First, I wanted to thank you all for the support leading up to yesterday's New York City Marathon, and also for all the blog comments, tweets, etc. over the last several days -- sorry if I didn't get a chance to respond yet, but I will, promise! I'll be back later this week with a full … [Read more...]

Goals for the New York City Marathon

So we're only a few days away from the New York City Marathon!!! I can't believe it's almost here. In some ways, it feels like I've been training FOREVER...and, in others, the last couple of months seemed to fly by. Our final weeks of training have come and gone, and I'm VERY MUCH enjoying my … [Read more...]

Race Recap: Halloween Half Marathon


Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! I thought I'd start the week off with a recap of the half marathon that Todd and I ran this weekend: the Halloween Half Marathon and Relay in Morristown, NJ! It was a brand new race hosted by Superhero Racing (though we have participated in other races hosted … [Read more...]

Marathon #7: The Richmond Marathon

Yeah, so, as I've alluded here a few times over the past couple of weeks, Todd and I decided to do something a little nutty. (Okay, so it was mostly his idea, but I went along with it.) ;) We had a conversation about how marathon training really is months and months of preparation and hard … [Read more...]

The Best 20-Mile Run EVER


Hey, guys! So since I somehow managed to get weeks and weeks behind in my New York City Marathon training recaps, I thought I'd go ahead and catch up now. Especially since we successfully completed the big kahuna -- our 20-mile run -- yesterday, and you all know what that means. IT'S TIME TO … [Read more...]

Race Recap: Ocean City Half Marathon


Hey, all! I promise I'll have New York City Marathon training updates up here soon (but just know that, for the most part, it's all good news for once). :) In the meantime, I did want to share our latest racing adventure: the Ocean City Half Marathon! Otherwise known as that time we ran 5 miles … [Read more...]

Fall Racing and Tackling Our 18-Miler

Hey, guys! I know I'm overdue with a New York City Marathon training recap (what else is new?) but I wanted to drop in because I felt it was time to announce a few of our plans for this season's racing schedule! Because now that it's FINALLY fall, I'm starting to get pumped about running (and … [Read more...]

Product Review: OOFOS


Happy Friday, all! So since I spent my last post pretty much whining about how much summer marathon training has SUCKED, I felt I should follow it up with this (long overdue) product review on something that has made summer running slightly more bearable: my new favorite recovery sandal, … [Read more...]