So we're only a few days away from the New York City Marathon!!! I can't believe it's almost here. In some ways, it feels like I've been training FOREVER...and, in others, the last couple of months seemed to fly by. Our final weeks of training have come and gone, and I'm VERY MUCH enjoying my … [Read more...]
And We’re Off…NYCM Training: Week One

Hey, guys! So I have officially survived my first week of marathon training after several weeks months of what can only be described as "recreational" running. This time around, Todd and I will be following New York City Marathon's own training program for the "conservative" runner. Even after … [Read more...]
Race Recap: Firecracker 4-Miler 2015

Happy summer, everyone! I'm back with some exciting news... I have NOT, in fact, fallen in a ditch somewhere. I AM alive and well. And I will NOT disappear for weeks at a time again, I swear! Clearly, when it comes to life as a running blogger, I've been a fraud for the past several weeks … [Read more...]
Race Recap: Wildwood Half Marathon

So, here I am, recapping a race that happened almost a month ago. For shame. :( Soooooo sorry, again, for being such a bad blogger, guys! Things are settling down now so I'll be back to my normal posting schedule -- and I'm catching up on all the goings-on with YOU, I swear! Puppy parenthood has … [Read more...]
Race Recap: New Jersey Marathon

Okay, here it is. I'm back with my full recap of the New Jersey Marathon! I'll start with a quick look at the expo. I say quick look because there wasn't really anything there. The half and full marathons draw some 6,000 runners -- about 4,000 for the half, and 2,000 for the full (along with a 5K … [Read more...]
NJ Marathon: A Tough Race…But a New PR!

Hey, guys! It's going to take me a couple of days to write the full recap of yesterday's New Jersey Marathon (mainly because I'm suffering from my usual bout of post-marathon exhaustion right now, haha), but I did want to drop in and announce that Todd and I successfully completed my 5th/his 4th … [Read more...]
Wanted: Taper Tips

Happy Friday, all! So, last weekend we tackled the big kahuna in any marathon training plan. That's right, ladies and gentlemen... THE 20-MILER IS COMPLETE. Honestly, it wasn't our best long run. Granted, it definitely wasn't the WORST either. We tackled the 20 miles in my old stomping … [Read more...]
My Best Long Run Ever…and Self-Diagnosing My Foot

I'm in the home stretch of training for my two "goal" races of the season, so I thought it would be a fine time to update you all on my progress. Because it's not official until it's on the blog. :) We'll be heading back to Philadelphia for The Love Run this weekend, and this is going to be my … [Read more...]

Somebody pinch me. Around 9:30am yesterday -- NEW YORK CITY MARATHON LOTTERY DAY! -- I received an e-mail alert from American Express saying that a charge was made on my account. And, oh, the was a $255 charge from New York Road Runners! As you may already know, Todd and I … [Read more...]
Training Updates: New Jersey Marathon

So I'm in the middle of training for the New Jersey Marathon, and I know I suck at sharing my weekly training logs. I have the best intentions, I swear! But I thought I'd at least drop in with an update on how things are going so far. The first few weeks were pretty uneventful. I had done a bit … [Read more...]