Letting Go of the “Old Me”


I have a confession to make. Prior to this weekend, I hadn't weighed myself since before the holidays. And by holidays, I mean Thanksgiving. These past few months have included some of the the most defining moments of my life -- not the least of which was finally moving out of my parents' … [Read more...]

Oh, Gym, How I Loathe Thee. Let Me Count the Ways.


Recently in my journey to optimal health and fitness, I have discovered a shocking new development. I absolutely, positively hate the gym. When I first began losing weight, if I wasn't at home or at work, I was on the elliptical at my local YMCA. As a result of juggling two jobs, my only available … [Read more...]

I am Runner, Hear Me Roar.


When it comes to our diets, there are a few hard and fast rules that will help just about everyone drop a dress size. You know, like eat more celery and less Cheetos. But when it comes to the day-to-day decision to break a sweat -- because, let's face it, there is no lasting weight loss without … [Read more...]

When Life Gets in the Way


Contrary to popular belief, my life doesn't revolve around weight loss. While my newfound commitment to healthy eating and exercise has radically transformed the way I live my life, there are times when work, family, friends, vacations, sleep, special occasions, and a long list of other … [Read more...]

Taking the First Step


When talking to friends, family, and other acquaintances, as soon as the subject of weight loss comes up -- which, I must say, happens almost daily in my life -- I'm usually faced with the following confessions: "My jeans are tight." "I haven't been to the gym in weeks." "I eat too much … [Read more...]

Become Your Own Cheerleader


When I first started losing weight, the compliments just kept on comin'. Friends and family -- especially the ones who don't see me every day -- were constantly making a fuss about my shrinking body, showering me with "you look so great!" compliments and incredulously questioning: "how much weight … [Read more...]

The Winds of Change

Silhouette woman run under blue sky with clouds

(I thought this title was appropriate given the 55 mph gusts we're experiencing here in New Jersey this morning). Thanks to my efforts to acknowledge (and face) my fears, I've finally started making some changes that -- believe it or not -- may actually be making the scale move! I'm proud to report … [Read more...]

Fighting Fear


In the last couple of weeks, I've started to realize just how much fear has been holding me back. In my weight loss, in my career, in my relationships...in my life in general. Last night I earned my orange belt in Muy Thai kickboxing. For two weeks I fretted about not being able to remember the … [Read more...]

Eat More to Lose More?


Is there anything more infuriating than stepping on the scale after what you thought was a perfect week on your diet and exercise plan...only to see the number move in the wrong direction? On the other hand, how do you react when you end up dining out four nights in a row, weigh-in in the following … [Read more...]

Committing to New Habits


We're less than three weeks into the new year. Raise your hand if you're already struggling to stick to your resolutions, and find yourself slipping back into some old habits. (Me me me)! The good news? I've already started accomplishing at least some of my goals for this year: I've found a new … [Read more...]