Race Recap: New Jersey Marathon


Okay, here it is. I'm back with my full recap of the New Jersey Marathon! I'll start with a quick look at the expo. I say quick look because there wasn't really anything there. The half and full marathons draw some 6,000 runners -- about 4,000 for the half, and 2,000 for the full (along with a 5K … [Read more...]

Race Recap: The Love Run


I'm baaaaaaaaaaacccccckkkk! Sorry for the crickets here, guys...it's been one of those weeks. But I'm excited to finally share my Philadelphia Love Run recap with all of you! Todd and I spent the day Saturday visiting some attractions in South Jersey that I've never been to -- the Adventure … [Read more...]

Race Recap: Hershey Half Marathon


Hey, guys! Todd and I ran the Hershey Half Marathon this past Sunday. We had an awesome time, and better yet, this weekend's 13.1 was TRULY my last "long run" for my New York City Marathon training...because I "only" have to run 8 this weekend! We drove up to Hershey, PA early on Saturday … [Read more...]

Disneyland Blog Hop: runDisney Health and Fitness Expo


Hey guys! So I know I'm a bit late on my weekly recap (because THAT'S new...) but I hope you'll forgive me because it was my birthday last weekend...and I'm still writing about the details. Will have that up by tomorrow or Friday! But in the meantime, I'm participating in a Disneyland Blog Hop … [Read more...]

Liebster Award!


Hey, guys! So, Danielle over at Live, Run, Grow kindly nominated me for a Liebster Award, so I'm here to answer her questions and nominate some of my favorite bloggers! RULES: You must link back to the person who nominated you You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by … [Read more...]

Dopey Challenge: The Expo


Okay, as promised, here come the recaps from my adventures in running the 2014 Dopey Challenge! I'll begin with the expo, since that's always a highlight of any race-cation for me. Since you know I loves me some merch... :) Todd and I arrived in Walt Disney World on a frigid Tuesday morning … [Read more...]

Race Recap: Philadelphia Rock N’ Roll Half Marathon


This past weekend, Todd and I ventured into Philadelphia for what was a pretty big race. For him, especially...since it was his first half marathon! I've been wanting to run a race on the Rock 'N Roll series, and since it seems the two of us will take any excuse for a race-cation, we made sort of a … [Read more...]

RACE RECAP: Superhero Half Marathon


As many of you know, I will take ANY excuse to dress up (and run!) in a ridiculous costume. So when I first heard about the Superhero Half Marathon in Morristown, NJ, I KNEW I had to run it! When it came to choosing my costume, it was no contest...I had to go with a Disney superhero, and race as an … [Read more...]

RACE RECAP: Long Branch Half Marathon


Yesterday I ran half marathon number 3, and I have to say...it was not easy. As you may remember, I ran my second half marathon just two weeks ago, and crossed the finish line in a very unexpected 2:03. I was absolutely elated with my time (2:05 was my "best-case scenario" time goal). It was a … [Read more...]

Race Recap: Disney Princess Half Marathon (part one)


I've been waiting for a long time to be able to write this particular post: a recap of my very first half marathon in my very favorite place in the world. I've decided to split it into two sections because, otherwise, it would just be RIDICULOUSLY long...especially since I thought I'd share the … [Read more...]