Weekly Workouts: 4/7-4/14


Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! The enormity of what I've gotten myself into -- registering for the Dopey Challenge as my FIRST marathon -- is really starting to sink in now, and I found myself at Barnes & Noble yesterday scouring the running books for titles like "Marathon Running for … [Read more...]

My Incredibly DOPEY Decision


So yesterday I did something crazy. Like, real crazy. WAY crazier than my decision to register for the Dumbo Double Dare, which I thought was just pure MADNESS at the time (and now just doesn't seem so scary after all). Yesterday, I got completely swept up in the excitement of Walt Disney World's … [Read more...]

Exciting Blog News: Sweat Pink and Versatile Blogger Award


Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! I sure did, because two pretty awesome blog-type things happened: 1.) I was accepted as a Sweat Pink ambassador! It's "where tough and girly come together at last" -- so proud to be part of such an incredible movement. 2.) A fellow blogger nominated me for … [Read more...]

Bulu Box Review and Promo Code — Get Yours FREE!


If you took a look through my kitchen and bathroom cabinets, you would find tons of not-so-well organized health and fitness products, from snacks to supplements. I'm one to try pretty much anything, and in my quest to be as healthy as I possibly can be, that means I end up with a whole lot of … [Read more...]

Racing for a Cure: PurpleStride New Jersey 2012


I'm not one who usually solicits donations for anything, but I did want to share the details of a particularly special upcoming 5K race here in the hopes that someone might find it in their heart to donate just a few dollars to a very worthy cause. On November 4, I will once again be running in the … [Read more...]

Persistence Pays Off


If I had a nickel for every time I quit something...well, let's just say I wouldn't be writing this blog post from my tiny apartment, surrounded by furniture purchased from the likes of Walmart and Big Lots. My weight has fluctuated up and down (and up and down again) since I was in elementary … [Read more...]

Stop Making Excuses…and Cheating Yourself Out of Success


If you want to ensure that you never reach your goals, do exactly what I've been doing: let your life be taken over by excuses. On July 4, I ran the local Firecracker 4-Miler race in my hometown for the second year. Despite the fact that last year's event was my very first race ever, and that it … [Read more...]

Oh, Gym, How I Loathe Thee. Let Me Count the Ways.


Recently in my journey to optimal health and fitness, I have discovered a shocking new development. I absolutely, positively hate the gym. When I first began losing weight, if I wasn't at home or at work, I was on the elliptical at my local YMCA. As a result of juggling two jobs, my only available … [Read more...]

The Right to Bare Arms (and Stomach, and Thighs…)


As the summer months officially come to an end, I decided it was finally time to step back on the scale. And, unsurprisingly, I was greeted by an additional five pounds. It's what I was expecting, given my week-long jaunts in Vegas, Atlantic City, and Orlando, the endless string of barbecues and … [Read more...]

I am Runner, Hear Me Roar.


When it comes to our diets, there are a few hard and fast rules that will help just about everyone drop a dress size. You know, like eat more celery and less Cheetos. But when it comes to the day-to-day decision to break a sweat -- because, let's face it, there is no lasting weight loss without … [Read more...]