Okay, so I'm back with a recap of my first leg of the Goofy Challenge: the Walt Disney World Half Marathon! After spending Thursday at Universal Studios (Todd insisted...BOO) and Friday at Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom, that 3:30am wake-up call on Saturday wasn't easy. But I was dressed as … [Read more...]
Race Recap: Hershey Half Marathon
Hey, guys! Todd and I ran the Hershey Half Marathon this past Sunday. We had an awesome time, and better yet, this weekend's 13.1 was TRULY my last "long run" for my New York City Marathon training...because I "only" have to run 8 this weekend! We drove up to Hershey, PA early on Saturday … [Read more...]
20 Miles DONE…New York, Here I Come!
Hey, guys! Since apparently I've given up on posting full weekly workout recaps (you're not missing much, believe me), I wanted to at least drop in and share an update on the last long run of my New York City Marathon training! Today seemed like the perfect day to talk NYC, since today is THE BIG … [Read more...]
Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend: Dumbo Double Dare 2014
Hi, guys! Hope you all had an awesome weekend. At long last, here's my recap of the Disneyland Half Marathon! After an early dinner the night before the race, we headed back to the room to ensure at least 6-7 hours of sleep before a 4am wake-up call. We got dressed in our costumes -- inspired, of … [Read more...]
WE DID IT: Disneyland Half Marathon/Dumbo Double Dare/Coast to Coast Challenge!
Hey, guys! Sorry for the crickets here! We just got back from CA late on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, and I've basically been an exhausted/jet-lagged mess ever since. I just wanted to drop in and let you guys know that I AM working on my recaps of Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend, from the … [Read more...]
NYCM Training: Week 8 — I’m a Blue Belt!
Hey guys! So I'm gearing up to run the Disneyland Half Marathon and Dumbo Double Dare this weekend, and am looking forward to sharing some details about our trip -- and, most importantly, OUR RACE COSTUMES -- before we leave! :) But first, here's a look at last week's training for the New York … [Read more...]
New York City Marathon Training: Weeks 2 and 3
Hope you guys had a fabulous weekend! I posted my 4th of July race recap 10 days late, so why not go ahead and recap weeks 2 and 3 of my New York City Marathon training all at once? ...better late than never, right? ;) WEEK 2 Mon., July 7: Taekwondo and Thai kickboxing class Tue: July … [Read more...]
Race Recap: Cranford Jaycees Firecracker 4-Miler 2014
Who writes about a 4th of July race 10 days after the fact...? This person. :) Sorry for the delay, guys! I had a very successful second week of training for the New York City Marathon, which I will share with you all tomorrow or Wednesday. In the meantime, I would feel remiss if I didn't … [Read more...]
Weekly Workouts and Training for Marathon #3
Hey, guys! Hope you had a fabulous 4th of July weekend! So, this past week it became official. I am now in training for marathon #3: the FREAKIN' NEW YORK CITY MARATHON! :) I am proud to report that I successfully tackled all of the runs on my training plan, including the longest training run … [Read more...]
Race Recap: Superhero Half Marathon 2014
I'm finally here with a recap of the Superhero Half Marathon! And here's a bit of shameless self-promotion: the article I wrote about the race for the local newspaper, you know, in case you wanted some more information about the event or something like that. :) First, a little background. I ran … [Read more...]