Hey guys! So, um, yeah…Merry Christmas…and Happy New Year, too! (Seriously, I’m the worst with keeping up with my blogging when things get busy).
But since I’m working on catching up on all of your blogs, I thought I’d offer a quick recap before we go into the *real* reason for this post.
Which is, of course, revealing our costumes for this weekend’s Walt Disney World Marathon!
So, Christmas was good. Lots of holly jolly fun and whatnot. And LOTS of dressing up my four-legged son and making him pose for corny Christmas pictures. Hahaha.
In terms of our training for the Goofy Challenge. Well…let’s just say it didn’t go EXACTLY as planned. Then again, does it ever? After my brief hiatus after the Richmond Marathon (which I STILL owe you guys a recap for, sad to say) we jumped right back into training. My goal was to do a few long runs and at least a handful of shorter runs each week to get myself back in “marathon shape” as quickly as possible. And, of course, complete some few back-to-backs so I could prepare myself for Goofy.
Long story short, we only made it up to 16 miles. This is the least prepared I’ve ever been for a marathon, and I don’t like it. I can honestly say we did the best we could given the time constraints. We were also careful not to ramp up so quickly that either of us risked an injury (let’s just say I considered jumping from a 13-miler to an 18-miler because we ran out of time, and Todd put the kibosh on that one, LOL).
Do I think we’ll be okay? Yes. All of our runs went quite well, and I’m actually feeling a lot stronger than I thought I would. But I know it’s not going to be pretty, and we’ll probably have to do a fair amount of walking towards the end of the marathon. I wish we had gotten up to say, 18 miles, but I’m still pretty proud of the fact that we ran two marathons in November and then went immediately into another round of training for Goofy. I’m obviously not there to PR, so I think as long as we run smart, we’ll be fine. It was sort of a last-minute decision to do the marathon in the first place, so time was not on our side…but I know we’re going to earn those medals.
Plus it’s Todd’s first “challenge,” so I’m excited for him to have the experience of “going Goofy.”
Okay, so without further ado, I wanted to share a preview of our (still not entirely finished, lol) costumes for this weekend! Especially since runDisney costumes are such a hot button issue right now thanks to the “new” rules released yesterday…which, to me, seem like common sense. Probably nobody should be running in Jedi robes, no? I do think the timing of the announcement was pretty horrendous and really unfair given that some runners are already IN Florida with their costumes. And they definitely could have been just a teensy bit clearer on their choice of words (now people are thinking SparkleSkirts are forbidden because it’s a skirt “layered” over shorts…).
Fortunately, since I like to focus more on altering actual running clothes to look like a costume, I’m thinking we should be fine. And by “I,” what I actually mean is “Nancy”…because Todd’s mom once again saved our butts and helped us pull together what I think are going to be FABULOUS race costumes at the last minute!
For the half marathon, we will be channeling our favorite parrot and rooster, lol. We’re both obsessed with The Three Caballeros, and since it’s technically the Donald Half Marathon, we figured it was appropriate.
And just in case you were wondering where the third Caballero will be…
Found this bad boy on eBay. And, yes, my crazy ass will be carrying him through 13 miles.
For the marathon, I wanted to go along with our costume theme from last year and go as another one of my favorite princesses — since I don’t think it’s likely I’ll get Todd to run the Princess Half Marathon anytime soon. Guess who…?!?!
I have a few more bits and pieces I’m still pulling together, but I’m beyond excited to head to Florida tomorrow and conquer another Goofy Challenge!
Sooooo…what will you be wearing this weekend?! If you see us, PLEASE do say “hi” — hoping to catch up with some of you this weekend!
Have you ever gone into a race feeling under-trained/unprepared?
I’ll be looking for you two! We are doing the half. As starbucks tinkerbell, 2nd Starbucks to the right. My daughter will be Sophia the First
These are great outfits! I do hope we see you both this weekend! When will you be at the expo??? Please contact us! Lacey will be running the half as Jasmine (outfit on yesterday’s blog so you can check it out) and for the full we’ll be wearing black mickey tops (also on the blog). Can’t wait!!! PS, your christmas pic is adorable!
Have fun! Tres Caballeros! Well, dos, but hey
LOVE your costumes. So great. Look forward to following along. Have a great time. If you have a chance (though you may already be off) your post would be perfect for the Magical Mickey linkup I do every Monday and is active throughout the week. Feel free to stop by with any after your race as well. Look forward to reading, as WDW Marathon weekend is my favorite and I cant be there this year.
love the costumes!! and no joke: I just had a convo with my friends about doing the 3 Caballeros next year for the wdw half and then I will be running as Rapunzel for the princess half this year! i cant wait to follow along and read your recaps
Love the Costumes!! Have an awesome race!!
Great costumes!! Seeing all the posts about marathon weekend is making me super sad I won’t be there!! I’m sure you’ll do great!
I love your costumes, especially your Caballero ones. Hope you guys have a blast running Goofy!
Your costumes are really cute for the races and kudos for getting Todd to dress up. He is a very good sport! I don’t think you will have any trouble with the mileage after two marathons in Nov. You have the base and missing a few longer runs should not hurt you a bit. I hope to see you sometime over the weekend.
i almost bought those same christmas jammies for me and my boyfriend! enjoy disney world and the goofy challenge
can’t wait for the recaps.
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