How Self-Discipline Makes All the Difference


In my Muay Thai kickboxing class, the instructor talks a lot about discipline. The cornerstone of martial arts training, self-discipline is even part of the "Student Creed" we have to recite before leaving class (along with things like perseverance and honesty), and he often ends class with a speech … [Read more...]

The Thing You Think You Cannot Do


There was a one-credit course I was required to take during my senior year in college -- "Personal Fitness" -- and as part of our final test at the end of the semester we were required to run one mile around the indoor track in the campus' recreation center. The humiliation of that day is seared … [Read more...]

Stop Making Excuses…and Cheating Yourself Out of Success


If you want to ensure that you never reach your goals, do exactly what I've been doing: let your life be taken over by excuses. On July 4, I ran the local Firecracker 4-Miler race in my hometown for the second year. Despite the fact that last year's event was my very first race ever, and that it … [Read more...]

Learning to Silence Your Inner Critic


I ran my first 5K of the season this weekend, and shortly after I passed the first mile marker, I found myself falling victim to one of my old behavior patterns: negative self-talk. Or, in my case, mentally bashing myself. I started the race strong: I shot out in front of most of the racers, and … [Read more...]

Appreciating The Body You Have…Right Now


For as long as I can remember, I hated the body I saw when I looked into the mirror. Everyone has their body hang-ups. I believe you'd be hard-pressed to find a person who couldn't name at least one part of their body that they wished were different...bigger, smaller, more shapely, perkier, … [Read more...]

Letting Go of the “Old Me”


I have a confession to make. Prior to this weekend, I hadn't weighed myself since before the holidays. And by holidays, I mean Thanksgiving. These past few months have included some of the the most defining moments of my life -- not the least of which was finally moving out of my parents' … [Read more...]

Keeping My Own Promises


When you're trying to adopt healthy living habits, I truly believe that success can boil down to just one factor: The ability to make a commitment, and actually stick to it. Now, this is not something for which I'm traditionally known. I'm shamelessly of the "I'll finish it later" variety who … [Read more...]

Oh, Gym, How I Loathe Thee. Let Me Count the Ways.


Recently in my journey to optimal health and fitness, I have discovered a shocking new development. I absolutely, positively hate the gym. When I first began losing weight, if I wasn't at home or at work, I was on the elliptical at my local YMCA. As a result of juggling two jobs, my only available … [Read more...]

The Beginning of the End


First, I want to wish everyone a happy new year, and apologize for the brief hiatus I've taken from my blog. I'd like to brush off my absence with a simple "oops, I've been busy," which is certainly true, but the good news is that I have been preoccupied making some much-needed overhauls to my … [Read more...]

The Right to Bare Arms (and Stomach, and Thighs…)


As the summer months officially come to an end, I decided it was finally time to step back on the scale. And, unsurprisingly, I was greeted by an additional five pounds. It's what I was expecting, given my week-long jaunts in Vegas, Atlantic City, and Orlando, the endless string of barbecues and … [Read more...]