We’re Going Goofy!

I know, I suck. I’ve been MIA and I’ll spare you all the “it’s the holidays and things have been crazy” excuse. I’m in the process of writing two (very belated) recaps of the Wine and Dine “Half” Marathon and the Richmond Marathon, I swear, but in the meantime I wanted to drop in with some fantabulous news! Because I just couldn’t wait any longer to share it. :)

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That’s right…I am running the Goofy Challenge yet again in just a few short weeks!


We were originally going to sit this one out because, well, we were just at The World for the Wine & Dine “Half” Marathon and some people (*cough*Todd*cough*) thought that it was “too soon” to go back to Disney. (Insert eye rolls here.) ;)

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But then he came around and we decided to make an impromptu weekend trip because the Walt Disney World Marathon is my most favorite special race. I was so sad to be missing it, and since we survived the New York City Marathon and the Richmond Marathon last month, I was feeling like I could take on the Goofy again in January.

The Walt Disney World Marathon was the site of my very first marathon, of course, when I lost my damn mind and decided to run the Dopey Challenge in 2014.


Oh, that glorious bling…

 And, then we ran the marathon together for the first time earlier this year.


After Wine & Dine turned out to be a bit of a bust — a not-so-spoiler alert for anyone who doesn’t know, but the race was cut in half due to weather-related conditions — I was feeling especially disappointed that I traded in the opportunity to run my favorite marathon for Wine & Dine. So when Todd agreed that I could casually look around to see if there were any bibs still available late last month, he probably thought it was too late.

Haaaaaaaaaa, boy, was he wrong. :-D

We had no trouble nabbing two Goofy bibs from Dream Departures Travel, AND we booked the Port Orleans Riverside (I’ve never been!) for a pretty reasonable price.


So that’s pretty much what I’ve been up to these past couple of weeks. After the Richmond Marathon, I took a full two weeks off (!!!) because I had just HAD IT with running and wanted NOTHING to do with it. That always happens after a marathon, so I pretty much know what to expect by now.

But after two weeks of nothing but a karate class or two, I felt like a lazy slob and started to actually miss running (*gasp*), and I knew I needed to get motivated again and set a new running-related goal.

And what better goal than tackling 39.3 magical miles in two days?


So we’ve been basically trying to train for this particular challenge over the course of 6 weeks or so. Our first “long run” after Richmond was supposed to be 10 miles…and we packed it in at 6. No joke.

It was the first time I’ve ever “quit” during a long run, and I felt terrible about it. My body just wasn’t ready yet, I guess, because I physically and mentally just could NOT do it. It was quite possibly the most I’ve ever struggled, and that’s saying a lot because I’ve had some baaaaaaaaad long runs. Todd wasn’t feeling it either. 20151129_143819

But then I got back into the swing of things with a couple of short runs that week, and the following week we successfully completed a 10-miler. And it wasn’t too bad at all! We did 13 miles this past Sunday, and I’m going to squeeze in two more long runs (with shorter runs the day before to simulate Goofy) of 15 or 16 and then 18 or 19. And then that’ll be it. :)


Our first (successful) long run after the Richmond Marathon!

We’ll obviously have a short taper this time around, and I do feel like I’m “cramming” a training cycle into a pretty short period of time, but I feel confident that I can do this. And, hopefully, we won’t be stuck in a super late corral since we registered so late (we still don’t have our waivers yet…boo) so that we can still have plenty of magical fun along the way.235348_181822178_XLarge(1)

So. Pumped. :-D

Who else will we be seeing this January?!?! :-D

Have you ever “quit” during a long run?


  1. See you at the half!

  2. You guys are killing me with all the awesome Disney cuteness. :) This is going to seem like a piece of cake after all the marathons you’ve done lately. PIECE. OF. DISNEY. CAKE. Good luck!

    • LOL, I hope you’re right! It always feels a little bit “easier” in that there’s so many stops for silliness and tomfoolery along the way, lol. ;)

  3. oh how exciting! this is the type of impromptu thing i wish i could do, but trips to disney take A LOT of planning for me. i’m currently planning out my first trip to disneyworld for the princess half…in 2017 hahahah

  4. I love your spontaneity! I can’t wait to see what your costumes are. Enjoy your trip!!

  5. You two are crazy! I love it! ;)

    Riverside is pretty nice. Have you stayed at Port Orleans? It’s incredibly, incredibly similar. Those two are my favorites of the affordable Disney hotels!

  6. OMG I am excited for yall! If i lived closer, i would totally do the same thing but a flight across the country this late in the game and me saving my vacation for DL Paris, makes it a no go. However, I think I may try to find a last minute bib for princess-not getting the pink coast to coast would make me so sad! I am currently planning to do Goofy in 2017 and Dopey in 2018-i think wdw marathon weekend is my favorite out of all of te rundisney ones!

  7. I’m doing Dopey this year! Maybe I’ll see you around!

    It seems like they REALLY changed the structure of the corrals this year, because I submitted the EXACT same half marathon time for Goofy last year as Dopey this year, because all of my new PRs didn’t happen until just AFTER the cut off date… Last year I was in corral M, this year I’m in J…. So hopefully you won’t get stuck in a crummy back corral!

  8. Its definitely hard to say “no” to Disney races. Glad that Todd supported you looking for Goofy bibs! :)

  9. You guys are on a roll!

  10. I was at Wine & Dine, too!! What a weird experience. I’m sad I won’t be at marathon weekend, but seeing everyone’s excitement has me thinking that maybe I’ll sign up for the full in 2017.

  11. I knew you were going to Disney but had forgotten you booked last minute. The POR resort is really nice. We always stay there for the Princess race weekend (although we are not going this year). It is the best moderate resort (IMHO) and you and Todd will have a great time. Hope to see you

  12. Good luck!!! If you see my fiancé and myself dying along the marathon course on Sunday then just throw some Mickey bars at us! With how crazy life has been the past two months, our training has been completely nonexistent : /

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