Hey, guys! So, Danielle over at Live, Run, Grow kindly nominated me for a Liebster Award, so I'm here to answer her questions and nominate some of my favorite bloggers! RULES: You must link back to the person who nominated you You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by … [Read more...]
I’m Going Goofy!
Hey, everyone! Just dropping in to share in all the excitement -- it's Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend registration day! After giving it some thought, I've decided that I will be sitting Dopey out this year. And probably for the foreseeable future. Don't get me wrong -- I had the time of my … [Read more...]
I’M IN: New York City Marathon 2014!
So, yesterday was quite possibly the LONGEST and most stressful day EVER. It was New York City Marathon lottery drawing day! But in the end, the running gods smiled upon me and by some stroke of luck I was actually selected from the tens of thousands of hopeful runners who entered the New York … [Read more...]
Marathon Recovery and Upcoming Races
Hey, all! Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. :) So now that I've survived marathon #2, I thought I'd drop in and share some post-marathon recovery updates with you and fill you in on my upcoming races for 2014 -- and ask for opinions on some other half/full marathons I'm considering for this … [Read more...]
Gearing up for Marathon #2
Hey, guys! Thanks for all your comments on my Princess Half Marathon recap! Even if my race experience didn't exactly go as well as I had hoped, you KNOW I had an awesome time and I appreciate the support, as always. :) So, this weekend is also going to be a pretty big deal, because I'll be … [Read more...]
Race Recap: Inaugural Disney Enchanted 10K
Hey, all! I'm here with the next installment in my Disney Princess Half Marathon recap series: a look at the inaugural Disney Enchanted 10K. So, as many of you know, the reason I HAD to return to run the Princess Half again this year is because I HAD to have the brand-new Glass Slipper Challenge … [Read more...]
Weekly Workouts and No More Training Plans
Hope you guys had a fabulous weekend! First things first: many, many thanks to all of you for your helpful, supportive comments on my last post! I have taken in everything you guys said, and I feel a lot better about scaling back now. And that is why I PROMISE I will be better about keeping up … [Read more...]
Help! I Hate Running
Okay guys, I have a less-than-cheery post for you today, unfortunately. There's been something I've been wanting to share here, but I've been putting it off while I basked in the after-glow of the Dopey Challenge and completing my first marathon. Basically, what happened was I came home … [Read more...]
Virtual Princess Half Marathon Blog Hop: ChEAR Squad
Now that the Princess Half Marathon is just a few weeks away, I'm gearing up for the Glass Slipper Challenge by participating in a Princess-themed virtual blog hop -- and thought I'd share some details about the ChEAR Squad with you guys! As all runners know, a race isn't a race without … [Read more...]
Dopey Challenge: Final Thoughts
Thanks so much, everyone, for your kind and supportive comments on my marathon recap! So, I've had some time to reflect on the Dopey Challenge, and wanted to go ahead and share some final thoughts with you guys. Especially seeing as how you must be sick of hearing me talk about Dopey … [Read more...]