I've gone and fallen off the face of the Earth again. I know, I suck. Sorry, guys. :( Now that the weather has officially warmed up (ugh) and summer is ahead, I'm making plans for what in the world I'm going to do with myself until I have to start training for the New York City Marathon. More … [Read more...]
NJ Marathon: A Tough Race…But a New PR!
Hey, guys! It's going to take me a couple of days to write the full recap of yesterday's New Jersey Marathon (mainly because I'm suffering from my usual bout of post-marathon exhaustion right now, haha), but I did want to drop in and announce that Todd and I successfully completed my 5th/his 4th … [Read more...]
Wanted: Taper Tips
Happy Friday, all! So, last weekend we tackled the big kahuna in any marathon training plan. That's right, ladies and gentlemen... THE 20-MILER IS COMPLETE. Honestly, it wasn't our best long run. Granted, it definitely wasn't the WORST either. We tackled the 20 miles in my old stomping … [Read more...]
Race Recap: The Love Run
I'm baaaaaaaaaaacccccckkkk! Sorry for the crickets here, guys...it's been one of those weeks. But I'm excited to finally share my Philadelphia Love Run recap with all of you! Todd and I spent the day Saturday visiting some attractions in South Jersey that I've never been to -- the Adventure … [Read more...]
Review and Giveaway: PRO Compression Socks
If you've ever read my blog, you probably already know that I am madly, desperately, INSANELY in love with PRO Compression socks. And since I get questions about them all the time, I figured hosting a giveaway would be a great opportunity to help my fellow runners #keepittight...so, today, I'm … [Read more...]
My Red Belt…and the Most Amazing Snowman Ever
So since this week was basically swallowed up by all of the New York City Marathon excitement, I never got to tell you guys some other pretty big news. (Well, at least for me). Last Friday night was my Taekwondo graduation... ...and I was FINALLY promoted to red belt! Which officially makes me … [Read more...]
Training Updates: New Jersey Marathon
So I'm in the middle of training for the New Jersey Marathon, and I know I suck at sharing my weekly training logs. I have the best intentions, I swear! But I thought I'd at least drop in with an update on how things are going so far. The first few weeks were pretty uneventful. I had done a bit … [Read more...]
Why I Heart the Princess Half Marathon
So, unfortunately, I'm not going to running the Princess Half Marathon this weekend. I tackled both the Dopey Challenge and the Glass Slipper Challenge back-to-back last year, and, well...let's just say it's not something I can pull off every year, financially speaking. Still can't control myself at … [Read more...]
My 2015 Race Calendar (So Far)
Since I'm just a teensy bit disappointed that I'm not running the Princess Half Marathon this year (it was my first half marathon in 2013, and I returned last year for the Glass Slipper Challenge), I thought I'd take this time to share some of the races I AM planning on running this year...in an … [Read more...]
My 2015 Goals…and Another Marathon!
Hey, guys! I figured since it was February 5th, it would be a fine time to share some of my goals for this year. (You know, that post everyone else writes the first week of January.) Better late than never, right? ;) I usually spend the majority of January prepping for the Walt Disney World … [Read more...]