Liebster Award and runDisney News!


I know I've been kind of quiet for a few days. To sum up...I've been struggling to recover after my less-than-stellar performance in the Long Branch Half (more on that soon!) But in happier news, I also want to officially announce that... I WILL BE RUNNING IN THE DISNEY WINE AND DINE HALF MARATHON … [Read more...]

RACE RECAP: Long Branch Half Marathon


Yesterday I ran half marathon number 3, and I have to was not easy. As you may remember, I ran my second half marathon just two weeks ago, and crossed the finish line in a very unexpected 2:03. I was absolutely elated with my time (2:05 was my "best-case scenario" time goal). It was a … [Read more...]

Last Week’s Workouts and ANOTHER Half Marathon!


Hope everyone had a marvelous weekend. We had AWESOME weather here in New Jersey (although right now it's rainy and dreary and gross), and I'm excited to finally be running in spring-like conditions! Yesterday I took the plunge and registered for the Long Branch Half Marathon, which is part of … [Read more...]

RACE RECAP: Runapalooza, Asbury Park Half Marathon


I'm still reeling from last week's events in Boston, but I felt as though the only thing we runners can do to show our unyielding support for the victims and everyone affected by this tragedy -- and a nice big F-U to the [insert expletive of your choice] who did this -- was to just keep running. So … [Read more...]

Weekly Workouts: 4/7-4/14


Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! The enormity of what I've gotten myself into -- registering for the Dopey Challenge as my FIRST marathon -- is really starting to sink in now, and I found myself at Barnes & Noble yesterday scouring the running books for titles like "Marathon Running for … [Read more...]

My Incredibly DOPEY Decision


So yesterday I did something crazy. Like, real crazy. WAY crazier than my decision to register for the Dumbo Double Dare, which I thought was just pure MADNESS at the time (and now just doesn't seem so scary after all). Yesterday, I got completely swept up in the excitement of Walt Disney World's … [Read more...]

Spring Goals


It's beginning to look a lot like spring -- although at a chilly 45 degrees today, it certainly doesn't feel like it! -- so I thought I'd post about some of my spring races! My toe (HOPEFULLY) seems to be on the mend...even though I stupidly decided to go for two short runs this week. I have it … [Read more...]

Taking it Easy After an Injury


Hope everyone had a lovely Easter weekend, if you celebrate! I spent the better part of my weekend in Atlantic City with my sister on an impromptu girls' weekend, eating and drinking WAY too much...which I then continued when I made about six million not-so-healthy choices on Easter. Needless to … [Read more...]

Putting Myself ‘Out There’


For more than three years now, I have been keeping a secret. I have a blog. While those of you who follow me on Twitter -- my main forum for publicizing the goings-on here at "The Final Forty" -- may be scratching your heads right now, allow me to explain. I started blogging in January of 2010 … [Read more...]

Race Recap: St. Paddy’s Day 10-Miler


In addition to consuming all sorts of green goodies yesterday -- and, unfortunately, I don't mean spinach and celery -- I tackled a new race distance: the 10-miler. I ran the St. Paddy's Day 10-miler hosted by the Freehold Area Running Club. Once again, I cut it dangerously close to the start of … [Read more...]