Okay guys, I have a less-than-cheery post for you today, unfortunately. There's been something I've been wanting to share here, but I've been putting it off while I basked in the after-glow of the Dopey Challenge and completing my first marathon. Basically, what happened was I came home … [Read more...]
Virtual Princess Half Marathon Blog Hop: ChEAR Squad
Now that the Princess Half Marathon is just a few weeks away, I'm gearing up for the Glass Slipper Challenge by participating in a Princess-themed virtual blog hop -- and thought I'd share some details about the ChEAR Squad with you guys! As all runners know, a race isn't a race without … [Read more...]
Todd’s First Guest Post: Perspectives of a runDisney Newb
Hey guys, happy Friday! So I thought I'd end the week with something new and exciting: my first guest post! I decided to take a little break from blogging today and let my other favorite writer share a post with you, and with all of the the Dopey, Princess, and Dumbo excitement, I thought it was … [Read more...]
Dopey Challenge: Final Thoughts
Thanks so much, everyone, for your kind and supportive comments on my marathon recap! So, I've had some time to reflect on the Dopey Challenge, and wanted to go ahead and share some final thoughts with you guys. Especially seeing as how you must be sick of hearing me talk about Dopey … [Read more...]
Dopey Challenge: The Marathon
Okay, guys, the time has come for the ultimate Dopey Challenge recap...the day I became a marathoner. :) Of course, if you missed my previous Dopey Challenge recaps, here they are: expo, 5K, 10K, half marathon. This post was hard for me to write. (Please do allow me to apologize in advance for … [Read more...]
Dopey Challenge: The Half Marathon
On to a recap of the Walt Disney World Half Marathon! Just in case you missed my previous Dopey Challenge recaps, you can find them here: expo, 5K, and 10K. By the morning of the half marathon, I was pretty tired. And sore. Not so much from the races, but from walking the parks all day AFTER the … [Read more...]
Dopey Challenge: The 10K
Hope you guys had an awesome weekend! I thought I'd kick off the week with my recap on the Inaugural Walt Disney World 10K! If you missed my recaps on the expo or the 5K, you can find them here and here. After arriving at The World on Tuesday and spending three full days on my feet, I'm not gonna … [Read more...]
Dopey Challenge: The 5K
The morning after the expo (recap here, in case you missed it), I got up bright and early to run the first of my Dopey Challenge races: the Disney Family Fun Run 5K. It started at 6:15am --- which is late for a Disney race! -- so I was up by 5am to get dressed up as my favorite Disney pooch (and … [Read more...]
Dopey Challenge: The Expo
Okay, as promised, here come the recaps from my adventures in running the 2014 Dopey Challenge! I'll begin with the expo, since that's always a highlight of any race-cation for me. Since you know I loves me some merch... :) Todd and I arrived in Walt Disney World on a frigid Tuesday morning … [Read more...]
Good-Bye 2013, Hello Dopey Challenge
Hey, guys! Happy New Year! Hope you all enjoyed the holiday season -- I know I did! :) I know I've taken a bit of an unintentional hiatus here with Christmas and whatnot, but I wanted to come back to the blogging world and say a proper good-bye to 2013 with a full recap on these final weeks of … [Read more...]