Clean Plate Club


If there really were such a club, I would be the president. While in so many ways I feel like a completely different person since losing 90+ pounds, when it comes to sitting down at a table with a full plate of food before me, it's painfully clear that I still struggle with a long list of issues … [Read more...]

Too much exercise?


Even though I eat well and work out at least 5 times a week, for the past several months I've seen nothing but small losses on the scale as reward for my hard work: .6 lbs here, .4 lbs there, with a full pound loss thrown in every now and then for good measure. When my body first began … [Read more...]

Healthy Habits


As soon as I started actually paying attention to what I was putting into my body, it didn't take long for me to start making other healthy adjustments to my lifestyle. Before I began this weight loss journey, I never realized all of the not-so-healthy - and even potentially dangerous - things that … [Read more...]

Understanding the Addiction


I'm still amazed when people who didn't know me "back then" start chastising overweight people right in front of me. Better yet, it seems they actually expect me to join in. While I can't blame someone who genuinely has no idea that I used to be morbidly obese, there are plenty of friends and … [Read more...]

Diet Detox


Lately, nearly every woman I know has filled me in on some form of "diet detox" they're currently trying.  I've seen friends and co-workers consume nothing but brown rice for a week and drink vinegar straight from the bottle.  They'll inform me about wacky drinks they concoct from … [Read more...]

Top 10 Favorite Snacks


I love snacks.  There's no way I could have lost over 80 pounds without 'em.  It may sound counterintuitive, but three meals a day just isn't enough to keep my energy up, and nibbling every 4 hours or so helps keep your metabolism running strong.  Plus, when my stomach starts growling at 4pm, I … [Read more...]