New York City Marathon Training: Weeks 2 and 3

Hope you guys had a fabulous weekend!

I posted my 4th of July race recap 10 days late, so why not go ahead and recap weeks 2 and 3 of my New York City Marathon training all at once?

…better late than never, right? ;)


Mon., July 7: Taekwondo and Thai kickboxing class

Tue: July 8: Taekwondo class

Wed., July 9: 5 mile run and Thai kickboxing class

Thur., July 10: 3 mile run and Thai kickboxing class

Fri., July 11: Rest

Sat., July 12: 3 mile run (at the beach!)

Sun., July 13: 9 mile run

Total weekly mileage: 20 miles


Mon., July 14: Taekwondo class

Tue., July 15: Rest

Wed., July 16: 5 miles and Thai kickboxing class

Thur., July 17: 3 miles

Fri., July 18: Taekwondo class

Sat., July 19: 6 miles

Sun., July 20: Rest

Total weekly mileage: 14 miles

Now that I’m 3 weeks into my training plan, I’m happy to report that I’m starting to feel “like myself” again. That is to say, each run isn’t QUITE as dreadful as it has been for the past couple of months, and I didn’t feel QUITE as out-of-shape as I did during my first week of training. Of course, I’m definitely nowhere near where I was, but I can feel the consistency starting to pay off. I’m not hitting my fastest paces by any means, but physically, I am feeling stronger!


9 miles down!

I’m also taking any opportunity to vary my training locales, so I don’t get too bored. So after a delightful beach day in Long Branch last weekend, Todd and I decided to run on the boardwalk and through Pier Village.


I had 3 miles on my training plan (I definitely switch up the days, but I do try to squeeze in all of the workouts each week!) and since I love the beach, I thought it would be a fine way to sneak in a run on an otherwise lazy summer day. I can’t say the ginormous turkey and cheese sub sandwich I had for lunch made for optimal pre-run food, but otherwise, it was a fun — and scenic! — way to log a couple of extra miles. :)


This past week was a scale-back week on my plan, with my long run “only” totaling 6 miles (and it was absolutely DELIGHTFUL to “only” have to run for an hour this Saturday, I must say). I did miss one of my scheduled 3-milers, but I figure with all of the extra karate classes I’m squeezing in over the summer, I’m sure I’m getting more than enough cardio to make up for a skipped short run here and there.

The good news is that while I’m having a hard time maintaining my desired pace as I’m struggling through these summer runs, the season is providing me with plenty of excellent ways to cool down afterwards. Let’s just say we’re spending an awful lot of time here lately:


Who needs an ice bath?!

Coming up this weekend, I have an 11-miler scheduled. I haven’t run more than 10 (non-race) miles in, oh, I don’t know…4 months? I’m not exactly looking forward to it, especially since a.) I’ve never logged long training runs in the summer before and b.) Todd will soon be starting his own training plan (he’s running the Philadelphia Marathon!) and therefore I will temporarily be losing my running buddy on some of these longer runs as my training ramps up and his gets started.


After a leisurely 6 miles…and still sweating like pigs ;)

My plan? To give my best effort in each run, even if the heat and humidity are still kicking my butt and preventing me from hitting my target pace. And keep my fingers crossed that it all pays off in the fall. :)

How are you beating the heat on your runs?

Do you typically train by pace or “by feel” in the summer?



  1. So excited to see you train for and run NYC! I love the pool shot. Swimming is definitely a great way to relax in the summer. And do not worry about hitting your paces right now-it is too hot. Once the fall comes and it cools off, you will be able to much more easily hit the paces you want.

    • Jennifer says:

      Thanks, Amy! I’m excited, too! :-D

      Oh, definitely — sometimes thinking about that pool is the only thing getting me through those final miles of a long run, haha.

      That’s really good to know. Looking forward to fall! :)

  2. Great job!!! To beat the heat I’ve been splitting up my long runs by doing a few on the treadmill and a few outdoors. The treadmill miles allow me to stay cool plus hit my target paces more easily than I could in the hot/humid weather outside, and my outdoor miles keep my legs used to running on the concrete. So far it’s been working for me really well!

    • Jennifer says:

      That’s a really good idea! Glad it’s working so well for you. I typically hate the treadmill, but it would be really nice to see my “old” pace again. Haha. I’ll definitely give the ‘mill a try, even if just for some of my shorter runs. :)

  3. I run past my neighborhood pool on most of my runs, and it takes all my willpower not to go jump into it mid-run. I might have to one day : )

    • Jennifer says:

      Hahaha, YES! How amazing would that be? I can’t WAIT to jump into the pool after a long run. It’s heavenly. :)

  4. I definitely run by feel, until I look at my garmin and realize i’m behind my normal pace, haha. Is that Phillyy marathon in November? My sister just moved to Philly and is looking for some running friends. Do ya’ll live far from there?

    • Jennifer says:

      Yup, sounds exactly like me! Correct, the Philly Marathon is in November. Would love to be running buddies with her! Unfortunately, it’s a little bit of a hike from us. About an hour and a half or so. But if she’s ever in the Central/South Jersey area, we should totally meet up! :)

  5. I’m jealous of the variety of running options you have! I think part of the reason why I’ve been slacking on my running (besides the weather, oh the humidity!) is that I pretty much have one running path and that’s it. I’m also uber jealous of your cool down methods! Great job on your training! :)

    • Jennifer says:

      Thanks so much, Kellie! Oh, I hear you! I HAVE to switch things up, or else I completely lose motivation. And I gotta say, having a pool at my disposal has been a godsend this summer, not gonna lie. :)

  6. Pool time is the best after a hard workout :0) Glad to hear you are starting to feel more like yourself in running again!!

  7. As much as I’d like to follow a training plan a little closer and hit certain paces, I tend to run by feel in the summer since you can’t underestimate the effect humidity can have on your body!

    • Jennifer says:

      Exactly! Glad to know I’m not the only one. I’m following the plan in terms of mileage, but definitely running by feel on most days…especially if I’m forced to run in the middle of the day when it’s BRUTAL out there!

  8. Great two weeks of workouts! Good luck with your long run this weekend. This humidity is a killer and it’s definitely not fun to have to train in the summer, but it will be all worth it come Fall for your race!

    • Jennifer says:

      Thanks, Lauren! I know you’re right, that’s all I keep thinking about. When I’m drenched in sweat and the sun is beating down on me, I just keep thinking: NYC Marathon…NYC Marathon…NYC Marathon… :-D

  9. Glad you’re feeling better about your running! Summer training is tough. I try to run by pace, but invariably end up running by feel on the hot and humid days. When I really want to nail my paces, I take it indoors to the treadmill. Keep on rocking it!

    • Jennifer says:

      Thanks, Karla! I have such a hard time running on the treadmill, but I think I’m going to give it a try, even if just for some of my shorter runs this summer. I think seeing my “old” pace again might give me a much-needed confidence boost!

  10. I always have to chuckle when I read about everyone complaining about running in the heat and humidity. I live in SOUTH FLORIDA. That’s the only kind of weather we have! :)

  11. Sounds like training is off to a great start! I know what you mean. I’m out of shape too and it’s a little discouraging not being able to hit old paces, but on the other hand I feel strong!

    Related: I have that same Long Branch 1/2 shirt haha. I’m headed to NJ for the first 2 weeks in August. I’m running the Belmar Chase on 8/9. Any chance you are too? I’d love to meet up.

    • Jennifer says:

      AGREED! Exactly how I’m feeling at the moment!

      That’s awesome! Not too far from me at all. So 8/9 is actually on my birthday, and I didn’t know anything about the Belmar Chase until you mentioned it…might not be such a bad way to kick off my 29th year of life, right? Would love to meet up with you! :-D Have you run the race before?

  12. Nice job on your training Jennifer. I try to beat the heat by running super early in the morning and by pouring water on my head during the run. I also have been known to run through a sprinkler or two!

  13. Great attitude! I am not looking fwd to the runs as they get longer and it is just as hot. Bright side… September/October is around the corner!

    • Jennifer says:

      Tell me about it! Same here. I know, I’m enjoying summer and all, but I sort of can’t wait for fall now… ;) Haha

  14. It’s great to hear you’re feeling better about going running again, and it sounds you’re off to a good start for training.

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