Hey guys, happy Friday! So I thought I’d end the week with something new and exciting: my first guest post! I decided to take a little break from blogging today and let my other favorite writer share a post with you, and with all of the the Dopey, Princess, and Dumbo excitement, I thought it was only appropriate that he write about his very first runDisney experience.

I couldn’t really understand it. A race mainly for fun? That seemed like a foreign concept.
What I find interesting about a Disney race is that you make it to be whatever you want. Whether you’re trying to set a personal goal, survive (I’m talking to all you Dopeys!), or just take in the experience, it’s up to you. And however it is you cross the finish line, that shiny HUGE medal is yours to wear around the parks for the rest of the weekend. Even though I didn’t earn as much bling as Jen—one medal as opposed to six—it was awesome getting congratulations from Disney cast members and visitors even days later. Yet another reason why running Disney is so unique.
As a first-timer, it was so fascinating to see everyone stop and take pictures and capture the moment, even in the middle of the race.
Plus, it was exciting to see what character would come up next along the course. Naturally, Jen decided when we should stop; as you’ve seen, we ended up with quite a collection of character photos!
You’ve probably read Jen’s half marathon recap already, so I won’t go into more particulars about the race. But I’ll highlight a few of my favorite moments overall from the weekend:
The expo: I found the whole expo fascinating. I mean, the line was out the door an HOUR before opening…and it was just for shoes!
At the start, I was excited but actually a little apprehensive; I wasn’t sure if there would be a mad dash for merchandise, like what Jen had experienced at previous expos. Overall, it was crowded but not overly chaotic.

Seeing marathoners run through Cinderella Castle as a ChEAR Squad member: I had a good view stationed right in front of the castle. What I found interesting was that none of the beginning runners, the elites, stopped for a picture. Slowly, a few runners began to stop, and then almost EVERYONE did. Runners were posing for MarathonFoto, taking their own pictures, coming to the ChEAR Squad to greet loved ones.
It was pretty exciting, especially after my own special someone came by for a sweaty hug and a few smooches.

Tell us about YOUR first runDisney race! What was your favorite part of the experience?
If you’ll be taking on your first runDisney event this year, what are you looking forward to?
I love hearing about someone’s first Run disney experience! Absolutely loved the outfit! Gives me an idea for future Disney races! My first disney races ( and first race ever) was the royal family 5K several years ago! I’ve been hooked ever since! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Meranda! I know, I love finding inspiration for future costumes from other peoples’ blogs, haha.
Oh, wow — that’s awesome that a Disney race was your first ever! I’ve heard great things about the Royal Family 5K — I can see why that could be the start of a new runDisney addiction…
I love that Todd shares in your excitement for runDisney, and even dressed up in matching costumes with you. If that’s not love I don’t know what is!
I’m excited about everything related to the PHM this year! I wish I had signed up for Glass Slipper, but at the time I just couldn’t even imagine doing back-to-back races. Now I know I could since this training cycle my running coach is making me do back-to-backs every week as part of my normal training. She says doing my long runs on fatigued legs will make me appreciate my fresh legs on race day even more, haha.
Hahaha, he was more willing to do the whole “matching costume” thing than I thought — definitely a keeper.
No worries — there’s always next year for GSC, right?! I’m super excited for you, you’re going to love Princess. I’d definitely agree that back-to-backs help make you stronger. I learned that the hard way during Dopey training, that’s for sure. Haha.
More amazing costumes! You two looked great! Even though I was excited for my race, I was more excited about being a part of my son’s first half marathon experience. Like you, watching Jen, I was so proud cheering him on to the finish and knowing what he had accomplished. This was the first Disney race for all of us and we all agreed that our favorite part was congratulating other runners while we walked around the parks (being congratulated was kind of nice too!). It was a cool community of runners and we’d all shared in something great together. It was a bubble that we didn’t want to leave! Thanks for your post! Brought me back to the happy place!
I know what you mean; after the race everyone was so nice and congratulatory, and even though what you came to the park to do was over, you didn’t really want to leave! Congrats on your first Disney race, and on your son’s first half marathon!
— Todd
My first RunDisney race was the 2013 PHM, I have never had more fun in my life!! I also did the Wine & Dine this past November which didn’t disappoint! This year I’ll be going to Disneyland for the first time to tackle the DDD, and then running the Wine & Dine again to finally get my coast to coast
There is nothing better than a RunDisney race!
PHM was my first, too, and you really can’t ask for a better experience! Wine and Dine was a blast, too. I’ll be in DL for the DDD again, too, and congrats on the C2C — by far my favorite medal!
That was my first RunDisney Half Marathon, too! Glad you enjoyed it, Todd!
Awesome, hope you had a great race, too!
— Todd
I’m hoping to take part in Wine & Dine this year. We’ll be there that week on vacation with friends. I’d love if they added a 10K. If not, I’ll do the 5K. I want to experience the runDisney that I keep reading about (but I am not ready for a half!!0
You’ll love Wine and Dine weekend — it’s such a fun time. If you run the 5K, I can pretty much guarantee you’ll be back to do a half eventually!
I love that y’all ran the half together! That’s so sweet. Plus, I bet it made your 3rd day of racing a bit more exciting!
Yes, it was definitely nice having him there to run the half — we had a lot of fun!
My first rD race was Mickey’s Inaugural Halloween 5k in 2010. It went through MK and there was some fog given the humidity, which added to the atmosphere of running towards the castle.
That sounds AWESOME!
I always love reading about someone’s first experience with runDisney! It really is a magical time and they absolutely know how to put on a race!! So glad you had fun, and the fact that y’all were able to cross the finish line together is awesome! Maybe I’ll see y’all at a race someday!
Awesome! I agree — I love hearing stories from first-time runDisney participants. I absolutely loved sharing it with him, not gonna lie — and I definitely hope we can meet up at a race sometime soon!