Is there anything more infuriating than stepping on the scale after what you thought was a perfect week on your diet and exercise plan...only to see the number move in the wrong direction? On the other hand, how do you react when you end up dining out four nights in a row, weigh-in in the following … [Read more...]
Committing to New Habits
We're less than three weeks into the new year. Raise your hand if you're already struggling to stick to your resolutions, and find yourself slipping back into some old habits. (Me me me)! The good news? I've already started accomplishing at least some of my goals for this year: I've found a new … [Read more...]
2011 Resolutions
#1. To blog more. Okay, so beyond my genuine promises to spend more time writing on this blog (and to update that two-year-old banner photo of myself once and for all), I've assembled a list of ambitious -- yet, I think, still realistic -- health and fitness goals for this year. I recently posted … [Read more...]
Redefining Myself
Over the weekend, I took the first of three trial classes of Muay Thai kickboxing at a local karate studio. I've been looking for ways to shake things up for quite some time -- not only in an effort to get the scale to budge, but also to ensure that I never get bored enough with my … [Read more...]
Holiday Horrors
As we get closer and closer to Halloween, I find myself growing more and more afraid of something that has nothing to do with zombies, witches, or things that go bump in the night. I'm afraid of the holidays. Truth be told, this is my absolute favorite time of the year. Nothing is more … [Read more...]
Throwing in the Towel
Lately, my Weight Watchers leader has been pressuring me to declare myself at "goal." This wouldn't be such a bad thing - in fact, I might just take it as a compliment - if she weren't telling me this as though she has no faith in me and my ability to reach my initial weight loss goal. Allow me to … [Read more...]
Clean Plate Club
If there really were such a club, I would be the president. While in so many ways I feel like a completely different person since losing 90+ pounds, when it comes to sitting down at a table with a full plate of food before me, it's painfully clear that I still struggle with a long list of issues … [Read more...]
WANTED: Running Songs
"I wonder if this would be good for running..." Anyone who has ridden in a car with me in the past, say, 12 months has heard me say that at least three dozen times. Any song I hear on the radio that has even a slight upbeat tempo catches my attention. I imagine my legs striding forward in sync to … [Read more...]
Too much exercise?
Even though I eat well and work out at least 5 times a week, for the past several months I've seen nothing but small losses on the scale as reward for my hard work: .6 lbs here, .4 lbs there, with a full pound loss thrown in every now and then for good measure. When my body first began … [Read more...]
Healthy Habits
As soon as I started actually paying attention to what I was putting into my body, it didn't take long for me to start making other healthy adjustments to my lifestyle. Before I began this weight loss journey, I never realized all of the not-so-healthy - and even potentially dangerous - things that … [Read more...]