So, unfortunately, I'm not going to running the Princess Half Marathon this weekend. I tackled both the Dopey Challenge and the Glass Slipper Challenge back-to-back last year, and, well...let's just say it's not something I can pull off every year, financially speaking. Still can't control myself at … [Read more...]
My 2015 Race Calendar (So Far)

Since I'm just a teensy bit disappointed that I'm not running the Princess Half Marathon this year (it was my first half marathon in 2013, and I returned last year for the Glass Slipper Challenge), I thought I'd take this time to share some of the races I AM planning on running this an … [Read more...]
Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend: The Marathon

What better time to (finally) write my Walt Disney World Marathon recap than in the middle of a blizzard? (Okay, fine, so we didn't actually get a blizzard this time. But there's still some snow out there!) After the previous morning's half marathon (my recap can be found here, in case you missed … [Read more...]
Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend: The Half

Okay, so I'm back with a recap of my first leg of the Goofy Challenge: the Walt Disney World Half Marathon! After spending Thursday at Universal Studios (Todd insisted...BOO) and Friday at Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom, that 3:30am wake-up call on Saturday wasn't easy. But I was dressed as … [Read more...]
Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend: The Expo

Hey, guys! So I'm suffering real, real bad from my usual bout of post-Disney depression, and figured there's no better way to combat it than by planning my next trip writing my Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend recaps! As always, I'll start with a quick look at the expo, and then share some … [Read more...]
I’m Goofy!

Hey, all! So we just got back from The World late last night, and I wanted to drop in to announce that Todd and I both successfully ran the Walt Disney World Marathon! And, that I completed the Goofy Challenge! I finished the half in 3:15 -- slightly faster than my usual Disney half marathon … [Read more...]
Goofy Challenge: Costume Reveal and Final Thoughts

Hey, guys! So I'm writing this from the airport -- which is a lot more exciting to me than it probably should be. :) Before we get on the plane to my most favorite place in the world -- WALT DISNEY WORLD! -- I wanted to share this weekend's costumes! Which, of course, were once again made by … [Read more...]
I’m Going Goofy!

Hey, everyone! Just dropping in to share in all the excitement -- it's Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend registration day! After giving it some thought, I've decided that I will be sitting Dopey out this year. And probably for the foreseeable future. Don't get me wrong -- I had the time of my … [Read more...]
Marathon Recovery and Upcoming Races

Hey, all! Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. :) So now that I've survived marathon #2, I thought I'd drop in and share some post-marathon recovery updates with you and fill you in on my upcoming races for 2014 -- and ask for opinions on some other half/full marathons I'm considering for this … [Read more...]
Gearing up for Marathon #2

Hey, guys! Thanks for all your comments on my Princess Half Marathon recap! Even if my race experience didn't exactly go as well as I had hoped, you KNOW I had an awesome time and I appreciate the support, as always. :) So, this weekend is also going to be a pretty big deal, because I'll be … [Read more...]