Happy Friday, all! So since I spent my last post pretty much whining about how much summer marathon training has SUCKED, I felt I should follow it up with this (long overdue) product review on something that has made summer running slightly more bearable: my new favorite recovery sandal, OOFOS!

Photo credit: OOFOS.com
*Disclaimer: I received one pair of the magical OOFOS OOriginal flip flops in exchange for the following review, but all opinions are very much my own. And you can believe me, because I’ve since acquired three more pairs and have every intention to eventually collect all of the colors.
If you’ve read my blog before, you might recall that among the biggest issues I have with recovery after running revolves around my feet…from blisters to burning soles to missing toenails to plantar fasciitis, I’ve experienced it all.
After a race, I IMMEDIATELY change into flip flops because I must…I MUST…get out of my sneakers as quickly as possible. And, yes, this includes races that take place when it’s not exactly sandal season. I don’t even care if it’s 40 degrees outside. After a race, it’s flip flop/sandals time, period.
I fell in love with OOFOS the SECOND I tried them on. They feel so different from my usual brand of flip flop. It is literally like walking on a freakin’ cloud, I kid you not. They’re super soft and squishy, and yet still supportive. It honestly feels like you’re wearing a sneaker, but without, you know, actually having to wear a sneaker.
According to the OOFOS website, here’s exactly why their OOFOS OORIGINAL sandal is pure magic for your sore, tired runner feet:
Our most popular shoe soothes and reinvigorates your feet after a workout, so you’ll be ready to do it again tomorrow. With OOfoam technology, the patented footbed design absorbs impact, cradles your arches and allows you to move naturally. Your feet will know the difference.
If you still don’t believe it, I will say that Todd — who normally HATES flip flops, and would never in a million years be willing to walk around in them — stole my second pair of black OOFOS (we basically have the same size foot, haha) and now slips them on immediately after every long run. And he even wears them for the rest of the day…on a trip to Target, out to dinner, etc.
We like to boost our recovery by walking the dog after a long run, so we both slip these bad boys on for a little trip to the park or a stroll around the neighborhood, and it feels like heaven on my swollen, achy (not to mention stanky) post-long run feet.
I wore a pair of OOFOS every day this summer, and plan to continue wearing them after every single long run/race…at least until there’s snow on the ground.
Since I started wearing them after runs, I haven’t experienced any of the plantar fasciitis-like pain that I was dealing with during my last bout of marathon training (*knock on wood*). It could be a coincidence, of course, but I prefer to just believe that the sandals are magical. Hey, whatever works, right?
According to the OOFOS website, here are the reasons these flip flops are so great for recovery after a tough run or workout — or for everyday wear:
- Absorbs more shock than traditional foams
- Reduces stress on sore feet, knees and lower back
- Cradles your arches
- Biomechanically designed footbed allows natural motion
Plus, OOFOS OOriginal come in a bunch of super cute colors, and since they’re unisex sizing, they actually fit my gargantuan, wide foot. Are they a little on the pricier side, for a flip flop ($45)? For sure. But just like my beloved Sparkle Skirts, IMHO, the price tag is SO worth it.
The company’s tagline is “Your feet earned this,” and it could not be more accurate!
In conclusion, I will never wear another flip flop ever again. I can’t WAIT to see how these do while I’m walking for miles and miles around the Disney parks during our trip in November for the Wine and Dine Half Marathon!
Have you ever worn recovery sandals/flip flops after a run or race?
I always change into flip flops immediately, too! I’ve heard a lot about the OOFOS. Sounds like I need a pair.
Yes! Give ‘em a try, they’re life changing, lol.
I have not had a chance to try these yet. Perhaps i’ll put them on the list for this spring so I have them next summer!
Would highly recommend! I’m in love, lol.
I love flip flops (hello, I used to live in Florida and therefore lived in them). But I normally go with my Target or Old Navy ones. I’ve never actually tried on flip flops that were designed to be comfortable and good for your feet. These would be very, very dangerous for me to get my hands on I think. Haha!
Hahaha, I used to live in those Old Navy flip flops, too! I just have had so many foot issues that I felt like I HAD to try something else!
I’ve been LOVING my Oofos, SO comfortable post run!
They TOTALLY helped with my plantar fasciitis pain! I was diagnosed last winter and I literally hated to put my feet on the floor in the morning. Between my stretches and these guys, by summer it was gone!
YES! Same here. I thought maybe I was imagining it, but, nope…the sandals definitely made a difference!
Hi, Jennifer. Stumbled across your website and fell down a rabbit hole reading a LOT of your race recaps and blog entries. I really enjoyed reading them all. Signed up for my first 1/2 marathon back in February (WDW Wine and Dine) and have been diligently training since using Galloway’s training program and app. Finished my first 11 mile run ever this past weekend (20 years ago in the military we ran A LOT but I don’t think I ever cracked over 10 miles). Next morning was rough (hip pain, knee pain, foot pain) and will be looking into these recovery flip flops. Looking forward to the WnD 1/2 and just signed up for the inaugural Star Wars WDW Marathon weekend. Bit the bullet and signed up for the Dark Side Challenge (10K and 1/2M) since it seemed to be the next logical progression distance wise. Of course then I read about your jump from 1/2M to the Dopey Challenge. WOW! That took guts (and here I was worried about signing up for another 1/2M AND a 10K before completing my first 1/2M). You are very inspiring and plan on sharing your blog and recaps with my wife, who I have gotten into running, kind of, and is participating in her first 5K at WnD Weekend and got to sign up for the 10K Star Wars with me. She still HATES running, but am hoping your blog will inspire her. I think her finishing the 5K Jingle Jungle run with friends will also ignite a little fire. She still cant wrap her mind around running for more than an hour (and until I completed my 11 mile training run, was still a little nervous and unsure about my upcoming 1/2M). 26.2 still seems inconceivable.
I have one question about all your amazing runDisney Photos. Are these shot by Disney Photographers or MarathonFoto? I noticed you have posted many MarathonFoto proofs. We almost always purchase Disney Memory Maker pass for our weeklong WDW trips so that we can take as many photos as we want and never have to worry about picking our favorites (and the one time we didn’t we ended up buying more a la carte photos than we would of spent on the Memory Maker pass). Are the race photos linked to Memory Maker account? How do you get the race photos (I assume you are linked to your bib number somehow).
Thanks for your blog. I have bookmarked and look forward to reading more (and completing what I haven’t). I’ll be looking for a blog post about your WnD outfits, so I can be on the lookout for you (either before or after the race since you will definitely be finishing Waaaaay before me) and say hello.
Hi, Randall! Thanks so much for reading, and for your kind words. Glad you found me!
Sounds like you are doing AWESOME yourself! Congrats on W&D and the Dark Side Challenge…those are EXCELLENT choices for some of your first races. You will LOOOOVE Wine & Dine! I’ll bet you’ll be signing up for Dopey before you know it.
Happy to talk photos! So runDisney does have photographers along the course (MarathonFoto), and I always buy them. As far as pricing, they’re EXPENSIVE, but to me the memories are worth it. I don’t even think twice about it. I also sometimes have fellow runners or runDisney volunteers/cast members take pictures with my own camera along the course. In the parks, I also always invest in Memory Maker; I buy it in advance in order to save a little bit of money. Again, a lot of people find it to be a rip-off, which it may very well be…but I make sure we get our money’s worth by stopping pretty much every photographer I see, lol. I just automatically budget photo costs into our trip because they’re super important to me.
That being said, Memory Maker is NOT part of the race experience; the photographers along the course will have their own separate prices and photo packages, and you’ll get a link to them after your race via your bib number. If you’re thinking of buying them, they do sometimes have discounts available if you buy in advance (check the expo), and be sure to ham it up for every photographer you see so you can get tons of options. I always go the digital download route, so I can have ALL the pictures and edit and print to my heart’s content.
Hope that helps, and if you have any other questions, you know where to find me!
I sooooo need a pair of these, one of these days I will break down and buy them!
I don’t even run anymore and I love my Oofos flip flops!
I wish I had bought the MemoryMaker when we went to Disney. I hemmed and hawed and should have just done it. I didn’t know I could buy it AFTER the fact and paid out of pocket for just my favorite photos. Such a rookie mistake.