Yeah, so, as I’ve alluded here a few times over the past couple of weeks, Todd and I decided to do something a little nutty.
(Okay, so it was mostly his idea, but I went along with it.)
We had a conversation about how marathon training really is months and months of preparation and hard training and physical agony all for just one race — really, just a few hours. (Of course, I immediately reminded him that this is the New York City Marathon we’re talking about, and IT. IS. COMPLETELY. AND. 100. PERCENT. WORTH. IT.)
Long story short, we decided, “hey, wouldn’t it be cool to get the most out of our training by running a second marathon this season?”
At first I thought the idea was batcrap crazy, but I know that lots of you guys have done it and lived to tell the tale. Plus, I knew that NYCM is my goal race, and that any second marathon could be run as a “for fun, let’s see how well I can do,” kind of thing.
So, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve decided to run the Anthem Richmond Marathon on Nov. 14.

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The deciding factor? Todd casually pointed out that if we ran Richmond, we could extend our Wine and Dine Half Marathon trip in Disney this November an extra day or two and then, you know, take in a quick marathon on the way home.
So, we registered and it’s official, and I thought it was time to finally announce it here. I’ve already lined up (and, theoretically, have trained for!) my 7th marathon. Even before I’ve completed my 6th.
But, hey, I ran the Dopey Challenge as my very first marathon, so I figured I’ve done even crazier things than this before, no?
Anyway, the Richmond Marathon is supposed to be a great course (with lots of fall foliage!) and a TON of spectator support, and it’s a race we’ve both talked about running someday. Also, there are junk food stops along the course, and pizza at the finish line. And since it’s in mid-November, we can expect chilly, running-friendly temperatures. Need I say more?!

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But, of course, we have other marathons that fall into the category of SUPER IMPORTANT, MUST-DO RACES (i.e. Chicago Marathon, Marine Corps Marathon, etc.), so neither of us minds the fact that this marathon may not be our best performance (duh).
After all, we’re running NYCM on Nov. 1, and then leaving for Disney the following Friday for what is now a six-night (!!!) Disney World trip to run a half marathon and walk the parks for days on end. Then we’re flying to Richmond on Thursday night so we can catch the expo on Friday, run the marathon on Saturday, and rent a car to drive the 5-6 hours home on Sunday.
Good. Times.
I’m pretty stoked. Was I a teensy bit nervous about the idea of running a marathon followed by a half marathon followed by another full marathon? Um, yeah. But since our training has gone really well this time around, I’m feeling pretty confident that I can handle this.
At the end of the day, this will be yet another new challenge for me, and an opportunity to explore a new city. Super excited!

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Okay, so who can give me some words of wisdom on running two marathons in the same month?
Have any of you guys run the Richmond Marathon? What’d ya think?
What are some of your best recovery tips and tricks? I’m gonna need ‘em!
Oh good, you’re making me feel less crazy! Half Marathon, Marathon, Marathon, Half Marathon are my next four weeks… Praying to making it to Wine and Dine still standing!
Hahaha, omg, you make me feel soooo much better! You’ll be awesome!
I love this idea! You are definitely getting the most out of your training!
Definitely one way to look at it! lol. Just hoping to survive, that’s all I ask… ;-D
I’d say do it like the Disney challenges. Chose which one is the most important then run the others for fun.
^ That seems like good advice!
BTW love seeing Chicago on your list! Are you guys thinking about entering the lottery for next year? I would looooove to see you there!
It’s definitely an option — still haven’t decided yet, but, YES, how awesome would that be?!?!
Oh, for sure — NO question about that. NYCM is the goal race, and Richmond is the “let’s enjoy the experience” race.
so much fun and I am so excited for you!!! I just did a marathon on Sunday, and will be doing NYCM, wine and dine 5k and half, and flying back home to do avengers 10k and half the next weekend so I understand! the best thing for recovery is compression gear (you know this of course), making sure to sleep a lot, drink a lot of water and making sure to stay loose (all of the park walking will definitely do that!)
I knew you’d have some tips for us!
Haha, good point…as much as park walking may not feel entirely pleasant, I’m sure it may just save us in the long run, lol.
Wow, that is a packed schedule but you should be fine as long as you don’t go all out at NYC Marathon. I have a feeling you want to enjoy the moment too and that will put you in better shape for Wine and Dine. Christine ran Richmond marathon last year and I ran the 8k. It is a pretty place to run, but it was really cold last year.
My plan is always to enjoy the moment! My goals for NYCM are definitely conservative…just want to do better than last year, physically and mentally!
I remembered that you guys ran this one, and already stalked the recaps…it sounds like it could be a lot of fun, even if it’s a bit on the chillier side.
a new reader here… sometimes, “nutty” things turn into the best experiences of our lives. i hear amazing things about the Richmond Marathon… good luck with it!
That is SO true! Thanks so much for reading — glad you found me!
Sounds like a great challenge for yourselves! If you could run Dopey with it being your first marathon, then I have no doubt that you can do this too.
Thanks, Kathryn! I figure it can’t POSSIBLY be any worse than that…right…??? Haha. Appreciate the vote of confidence!
I’m sure that will be a beautiful course!! Can I just say you are my running hero?
I’ve heard such great things! Aw, thanks…I appreciate that!
Hope you do Chicago next year!! Different from NY, but still great. So you will officially be a marathon maniac right?
I’m sure it’s amazing!! Haha, yup…and I may be just a tad over-excited to join that group!
For the weeks in between, I suggest using Hal Higdon’s multiple marathon training plan:
I have been using only Mr. Higdon’s plans since my first marathon eight years ago and his Multiple plan definitely worked well for me when I did back-to-back marathons last year.
Best of luck taking on this challenge. All that hot summer training is paying off, as you saw at the half-marathon. It’s only going to get better. Rock that NYC Marathon!
Thanks so much, Daniel! Appreciate the tips. I do love me some Higdon; I’ve used his “between marathon” plans for going from NYCM to the WDW Marathon, and they DEFINITELY work. Plus I used his Dopey Challenge plan, so I pretty much credit him with surviving that particular challenge, haha.
Bisogna anche dire che iBright non ha effetti collaterali.
Awesome post